Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Anthony P, part2.

Dear Anthony P, part2.

I am now writing to your "part 2" side, your side not for immediate action, but the reflective side that is utilized mostly in the act of retrospect.

Remember Zeeshan? We all had good times, in Prague and out of Prague. I mention Zeeshan, because I was finishing up at work Saturday, bringing in some chairs from the patio and I see a guy in the distance get out of a cab. He was wearing a suit, with a few other people, and we're in Tribeca here, and my instincts tell me that it was, lo and behold, Zeeshan.

So I call his cell, he picks up–bingo. I mean, he was pretty far away and I haven't seen this guy since Stacey's going away dinner at Hummus Place back in May or was it June?

Hey Stacey, was it May or June?

Hey Stacey,

Happy Birthday! Wheeww hoo! You know, in a very literal and metaphorical way, you are just under a month older than me. In my last posting to Anthony, I bring up a similar thought, with timing, planning, tending to the weighty issues in life. I feel that you, too, are ahead of me. And I wonder, where will I be in less than a month (but more than 28ish days)?

So, birthday fun? Painting the town red with a touch of lavender? Still having fun in LA and the surrounding area? A very special Happy B-day to you!

Oh, and back to Anthony P. Anthony, while in Nepal, if you get this, and as I reminded you last week when were at Mona's; don't forget to wish Stacey a happy b-day, at least say it out loud and into the wind, so that it might carry the words at least to the nearest mountain, get clogged up a while, eventually wind its way around through some air pressure or cool front or something, catch a zephyr and to the sea, make its way, the wind of the waves, and over to LA. And boom!

Because there are radar's and digital signals flying all over the world and through space all the time. Why not sentiments, uttered words flying on the wings of memories and mittens (if the material is light and stays in the air passage flight). Or something of this nature.

Over and out!


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