Sunday, August 27, 2006

my cabinet position in your Necropolis

I don' t mean to be too hilarious or nothing- but I remembered a past thought yesterday and thought I would share today.

I was taking the train home with my brother. I asked about his job. I asked about opportunities and tried to say "nepotism," and it almost came out: NECROTISM!

Hilarious, right? If I am too rule the world (and G-d willing it will be soon- see last post about possible skin joking around here....) yeah, if I'm to rule the world, how about a system of Necrotism?

George Washington will once again rule as a President, of sorts. I Marshall.....he's going to be Chief Justice this time......Brando's dead right? I guess I can make appoint him as a Labor minister-thingy.....

And you know what? If I do have to go and leave this existence a little early due to a cell rebellion, a physio-civil war on the battlefield becoming my arm: well, maybe someone out there will return the kind favor, the karma, and appoint me some position or honor in death. Any of you guys Necrotists? I plan on leaving a handsome corpse, even if I have to do the makeup with one hand, as I nail the coffin shut with the other from within.....pretty gruesome, right?

What happened to poor Gabriel, that he would be so gruesome? Its a combo.

1. Unemployment is tracking me. I was unemployed for a few months after being let go of my previous photo research job. I stopped collecting payments, but I never made it clear in their records that I was back to full-time work. A former part-time employer contacted me that they contacted her. Eep!

2. I've been reading "Les Miserable", and that Javert is pretty intimidating. I think he's after me. It's like my cousin Frank was fonding of saying "I have reverse paranoia: I keep thinking I'm following someone..." Well, for me its the reverse, reverse. I keep thinking I'm following someone who is following me: a physic worm ouroboros.

Maybe this phenomenon will reach beyond the grave. When I get my cabinet position in your Necropolis, I wonder who's going to sit next to me. I hope she is (was) pretty. Oohhh, pick someone pretty to sit next to me! Someone who died in her 20's, or early 30s. I suppose an older woman who died of too much plastic surgery has prospects....

Well, time to start the day. They are playing the movie Dracula with Philip Glass's score on top at the bandshell today in Prospect Park. I'll be there and square, but have much work to do walking around and thinking of funny word-thingy's

Lets see, got any yet......"tulips" sounds like "two lips" ......hmmmm.....
....ohhh I just got one. It's about 3o minutes since the original post. I received a funny email from Stacey warning me about the new "Jews for Jesus" campaign ads. Then I thought, what if I get one of their shirts or something and cross out the "f" in for?

JEWS OR JESUS? Hardy hardy hardy har! Pretty good, right? Do I still get the job in your Necropolis....

1 comment:

Paige said...

who will you leave your hair to when you pass? I call first dibs.
